Frequently Asked Questions

How is the Real Estate Market?

The Real Estate Market is no different from any other commercial market. It responds to supply and demand forces.

You need to know if it’s a:

Sellers Market : There are more buyers than houses available
Buyers Market : More houses for sale than buyers on the market
Balanced Market : An even mix of houses available and buyers in the market

Factors such as location, interest rates, the economy, business confidence, employment opportunities and immigration have an influence on these markets.

It is our experience that the “time of the year” has no bearing on sale prices.

Which Salesperson should I choose?

Choose a Salesperson that you feel you can trust to best represent, market and negotiate effectively on your behalf. Often it is hard to choose based on one or two meetings only. Ask your Salesperson for references from other clients to see how they found that Salesperson’s ability and service.

Salesperson X has told me I can get more money for my home!

Often people choose a Salesperson based on a high appraisal of their home. This is a common trap and one you should watch out for. A Salesperson, registered valuer, or government valuer cannot guarantee the exact sale price of your home. A good Salesperson should provide you with a possible selling range based on recent sales of comparable properties and a sound understanding of the current market.

How high do I set my asking price?

Once you have identified the selling range of your property it is important to make the asking price as close to that value as possible. Buyers of properties will compare both features and asking prices. If your asking price puts your home in a range with other houses with more features and benefits they will discard your home from their purchasing list.

Should I remain at home when buyers inspect my property?

Often on a first visit a buyer will have a genereal look around your home to get a feel for whether or not they can picture themselves living in your property.

If you are present when they do this it is likely they would walk straight through the room you are in. They will not stop to picture themselves living in that room. That’s Human Nature!

We try to arrange appointments to inspect in advance. We recommend that you pop out for a quick walk if possible.

How important is presentation?

You never get a second chance to make a first impression! Often buyers can picture themselves in a property based solely on its presentation.